First aid charity for Wales recognises volunteer heroes

St John Ambulance Cymru rewarded the volunteers who have gone over and above for the charity at its annual Investiture ceremony on Saturday 15th June.

Volunteers from across Wales came together at Llandaff Cathedral to be rewarded for their hard work and be officially welcomed into the Priory for Wales, which is an independent Priory within the Order of St John, a working Order of Chivalry of the British Crown.

14 volunteers were officially invested into or promoted within the Priory for Wales, as recognition of their ongoing efforts keeping their communities safe. The service was also attended by a number of guests from across Wales, including senior members of the charity, local councillors and civic dignitaries.

People are nominated to join the Priory for Wales for demonstrating values of devotion, togetherness, faithfulness, diversity and inclusiveness in their volunteer work. Some individuals also received long service awards, while members of the charity’s Badger and Cadet groups aged 5-17 received their official certificates at the service.

St John Ambulance Cymru Badgers and Cadets who received awards at the 2024 Investiture Service at Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff

One of the volunteers that was recognised at the event was Rachael, who has been a St John Ambulance Cymru member for over 35 years. Rachael, aged 45, works as a registered GP and is based in Griffithstown. Already this year she has spent over 300 hours of her spare time volunteering and has dedicated much of her life to supporting her community.

 Dr Rachael Collier, St John Ambulance Cymru Volunteer

She commented:

It’s a true honour to be recognised for the work I have been delighted and privileged to undertake with St John Ambulance Cymru.

“It is important for me to be able to give back to the wider community with the skills I’ve been taught.”


Another individual named David was similarly awarded for showing a special commitment to volunteering. David, who is based in Deeside, joined the organisation in 2011 and during this time has committed a great deal to keeping his community safe through first aid.

Most recently in October 2023, David saved a friend’s wife using CPR after she suffered a cardiac arrest at Liverpool Football Club. His first aid skills have been a real lifeline to those around him.

David, who volunteers at St John Ambulance Cymru's Deeside and Mold Division

He said:

“I volunteer because I love the comradery, meeting up with people and passing on knowledge to younger members.

“I feel more than honoured to have been nominated to join the Order within the Priory for Wales. I’m over the moon.”

Now as members of the Priory for Wales, Rachael and David, along with the other volunteers who were rewarded, are now officially part of the Order of St John.

Paul Griffiths OBE, KStJ, DL, the Prior for Wales, said:

“We are so proud of everyone who was recognised at our Investiture Service over the weekend.

“Volunteers are the beating heart of St John Ambulance Cymru and it's important to us as a charity to recognise their efforts and show how grateful we are for their hard work.

“A huge congratulations to all of the wonderful volunteers who were awarded and thank you for everything you do keeping your communities safe.”

St John Ambulance Cymru are recruiting volunteers to join their teams across Wales. You don’t need to have any previous training to sign up, just a passion to help others. To find out more, please visit our Volunteer page today.


Elusen cymorth cyntaf Cymru yn cydnabod arwyr gwirfoddoli

Fe wnaeth St John Ambulance Cymru wobrwyo’r gwirfoddolwyr sydd wedi mynd y tu hwnt i’r disgwyl i’r elusen yn ei seremoni Arwisgo flynyddol ar ddydd Sadwrn 15 Mehefin.

Daeth gwirfoddolwyr o bob rhan o Gymru ynghyd yn Eglwys Gadeiriol Llandaf i gael eu gwobrwyo am eu gwaith caled a chael eu croesawu’n swyddogol i Briordy Cymru, sy’n Briordy annibynnol o fewn Urdd St John, Urdd Sifalri gweithredol y Goron Brydeinig.

Buddsoddwyd neu dyrchafwyd 14 o wirfoddolwyr yn swyddogol o fewn Priordy Cymru, fel cydnabyddiaeth o'u hymdrechion parhaus i gadw eu cymunedau'n ddiogel. Mynychwyd y gwasanaeth hefyd gan nifer o westeion o bob rhan o Gymru, gan gynnwys uwch aelodau’r elusen, cynghorwyr lleol a phwysigion dinesig.

Mae pobl yn cael eu henwebu i ymuno â Phriordy Cymru am ddangos gwerthoedd ymroddiad, undod, ffyddlondeb, amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant yn eu gwaith gwirfoddol. Derbyniodd rhai unigolion wobrau gwasanaeth hir hefyd, tra bod aelodau o grwpiau Badgers a Chadetiaid yr elusen rhwng 5-17 oed yn derbyn eu tystysgrifau swyddogol yn y gwasanaeth.

St John Ambulance Cymru Badgers and Cadets who received awards at the 2024 Investiture Service at Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff

Un o’r gwirfoddolwyr a gafodd ei gydnabod yn y digwyddiad oedd Rachael, sydd wedi bod yn aelod o St John Ambulance Cymru ers dros 35 mlynedd. Mae Rachael, 45 oed, yn gweithio fel meddyg teulu cofrestredig ac wedi ei lleoli yn Griffithstown. Eisoes eleni mae hi wedi treulio dros 300 awr o’i hamser sbâr yn gwirfoddoli ac wedi cysegru llawer o’i bywyd i gefnogi ei chymuned.

 Dr Rachael Collier, St John Ambulance Cymru Volunteer


“Mae’n wir anrhydedd cael fy nghydnabod am y gwaith yr wyf wedi bod yn falch iawn ac wedi bod yn fraint ei wneud gydag St John Ambulance Cymru.

“Mae’n bwysig i mi allu rhoi yn ôl i’r gymuned ehangach gyda’r sgiliau rydw i wedi’u dysgu."


Derbyniodd unigolyn arall o'r enw David wobr debyg am ddangos ymrwymiad arbennig i wirfoddoli. Ymunodd David, sydd wedi’i leoli yng Nglannau Dyfrdwy, â’r sefydliad yn 2011 ac yn ystod y cyfnod hwn mae wedi ymrwymo llawer i gadw ei gymuned yn ddiogel drwy gymorth cyntaf.

Yn fwyaf diweddar ym mis Hydref 2023, achubodd David wraig ffrind gan ddefnyddio CPR ar ôl iddi ddioddef ataliad y galon yng Nghlwb Pêl-droed Lerpwl. Mae ei sgiliau cymorth cyntaf wedi bod yn achubiaeth wirioneddol i'r rhai o'i gwmpas.

David, who volunteers at St John Ambulance Cymru's Deeside and Mold Division


“Rwy’n gwirfoddoli oherwydd fy mod yn caru’r cyfeillgarwch, cwrdd â phobl a throsglwyddo gwybodaeth i aelodau iau.

“Rwy’n teimlo’n fwy nag anrhydedd cael fy enwebu i ymuno â’r Urdd o fewn Priordy Cymru. Rydw i wrth fy modd.”

Bellach fel aelodau o’r Priordy Gymru, mae Rachael a David, ynghyd â’r gwirfoddolwyr eraill a gafodd eu gwobrwyo, bellach yn rhan swyddogol o Urdd St John.

Dyweddod Prior Cymru, Paul Griffiths OBE, KStJ, DL:

Rydym mor falch o bawb a gafodd eu cydnabod yn ein Gwasanaeth Arwisgo dros y penwythnos.

“Gwirfoddolwyr yw curiad calon St John Ambulance Cymru ac mae’n bwysig i ni fel elusen gydnabod eu hymdrechion a dangos pa mor ddiolchgar ydyn ni am eu gwaith caled.

“Llongyfarchiadau enfawr i’r holl wirfoddolwyr gwych a gafodd eu gwobrwyo a diolch am bopeth yr ydych yn ei wneud i gadw’ch cymunedau’n ddiogel.”

Mae St John Ambulance Cymru yn recriwtio gwirfoddolwyr i ymuno â'u timau ledled Cymru. Nid oes angen i chi gael unrhyw hyfforddiant blaenorol i gofrestru, dim ond angerdd i helpu eraill. I gael gwybod mwy, ewch i'n tudalen gwirfoddoli heddiw.

Published June 20th 2024

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