St John Ambulance Cymru has played its part in historic events for over a century and as the world watched King Charles and Queen Camilla being crowned last Saturday three of our St John Ambulance Cymru people were in London to represent Wales’s leading first aid charity at the momentous occasion.
King Charles III is the Sovereign Head of the Order of St John, having assumed the title on the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II. The Royal Family have a close relationship with St John Ambulance. In 1888 Queen Victoria granted the Order of St John a Royal Charter, and the Reigning Monarch has been the Sovereign Head of the Order ever since.
Our Chief Volunteer, Richard Paskell MBE CStJ, and Commissioner for Dyfed, Andy King OStJ, CertHE, AP, ILM, had the honour of being asked to represent St John Ambulance Cymru as part of the uniformed civilian services contingent of the Coronation procession.
They arrived in London on the Friday before the Coronation and were given a tour of St John Gate, their Church and its Crypts, followed by a private viewing of the museum. Their uniforms were closely inspected and then they were taken to drill practice; three hours of military drill practice to learn the complex moves of marching in and out of pace and step, swapping positions and dropping off.
Richard said, “Prior to the event it was important for us to ensure our uniforms were correct and looking as smart as possible.
The morning of the Coronation was an early start for Andy and Richard, as they were expected to be in formation at 6am. They marched out onto Whitehall where they remained on plot until the Royal party moved past.
Richard said, “To see the Soldiers up close, and the marching bands, and the horses was simply wonderful.
It was very damp and got quite cold standing on plot for over 6 hours, but the thrill of the event and seeing the Royal party pass within a meter of us was heart-warming.”
He added, “It was great to see Wales represented, alongside volunteer colleagues from Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man and Northern Ireland.
I feel so blessed and humbled to have represented every member of St John Ambulance Cymru at the Royal Coronation.
With our King being the former Prince of Wales, this made it more special for Andy and I – a real Welsh synergy.
The opportunity of attending this event can only be described as a once in a lifetime memory, and certainly a highlight of my own St John Ambulance Cymru career.”
When the Royal party had passed by Richard and Andy marched down Whitehall to Westminster and across Westminster Bridge, to the beat of the Royal Marines band as the assembled crowd applauded and cheered.
Andy said, “To represent not just St John Ambulance Cymru but the wider St John family at the Kings Coronation was both an honour and a privilege.
I am so very grateful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity and experience, it is something I will remember and cherish for the rest of my life.
To play a part in history and witnessing a Coronation isn’t something that happens every day, let alone be a part of the event.
Forming part of the civilian services contingent, and being only one of two to represent Wales and St John Ambulance Cymru is certainly one of the biggest highlights of my St John career to date.”
Also present in London for the Coronation was our interim CEO, Andy Jones, FCIPD,OStJ, who represented St John Ambulance Cymru as one of 2,000 people invited by the Earl Marshall to join the congregation at Westminster Abbey.
He said, “It was m
y privilege, and indeed my highest honour, to represent St John Ambulance Cymru at the Coronation of Their Majesties.
The enormity of the occasion gradually arrived as I walked along the Thames to Lambeth Bridge, witnessing first-hand the size of the multi-agency operation, including our St John Ambulance colleagues, a high visible presence, knowing also that Richie and Andy were also performing a key role to keep everyone safe.
Andy took his seat in the Nave at the western end of the Abbey where he was fortunate to be able to see the many dignitaries, royalty from other countries and of course our own Royal Family, prior to the arrival of King Charles and Queen Camilla.
He said, “It is hard to place into words the experience, other than to say it was deeply touching, the choir, individual singers, music hitting everyone’s core, many of the congregation at times close to tears.
The overwhelming message throughout the Coronation was about duty and service.
It’s a day I will never forget. I consider myself very fortunate, and am incredibly proud that St John Ambulance Cymru was invited to be present.
As I stepped into the Abbey I knew only too well that it was because of our wonderful volunteers and staff who continue to save lives and enhance the health and well-being of communities in Wales.”
“Anrhydedd a Braint” y Prif Weithredwr Dros Dro yn cynrychioli St John Ambulance Cymru yng Nghoroni’r Brenin Charles III
Mae St John Ambulance Cymru wedi chwarae ei ran mewn digwyddiadau hanesyddol ers dros ganrif ac wrth i’r byd wylio’r Brenin Siarl a’r Frenhines Camilla yn cael eu coroni ddydd Sadwrn diwethaf roedd tri o’n pobl St John Ambulance Cymru yn Llundain i gynrychioli prif elusen cymorth cyntaf Cymru yn y digwyddiad tyngedfennol. achlysur.
Y Brenin Charles III yw Pennaeth Sofran Urdd Sant Ioan, wedi iddo gymryd y teitl ar farwolaeth EM y Frenhines Elizabeth II. Mae gan y Teulu Brenhinol berthynas agos ag St John Ambulance . Ym 1888 rhoddodd y Frenhines Victoria Siarter Frenhinol i Urdd Sant Ioan, a’r Frenhines Teyrnasol yw Pennaeth Sofran yr Urdd ers hynny.
Cafodd ein Prif Wirfoddolwr, Richard Paskell MBE CStJ, a Chomisiynydd Dyfed, Andy King OStJ, CertHE, AP, ILM, yr anrhydedd o gael cais i gynrychioli St John Ambulance Cymru fel rhan o gwasanaethau sifil mewn lifrai yng nghorymdaith y Coroni.
Cyrhaeddon nhw Lundain ar y dydd Gwener cyn y Coroni a chawsant daith o amgylch Porth Sant Ioan, eu Heglwys a'i Gladdgellau, a chael golwg breifat o'r amgueddfa i ddilyn. Archwiliwyd eu gwisgoedd yn ofalus ac yna aethpwyd â nhw i ymarfer drilio; tair awr o ymarfer dril milwrol i ddysgu'r symudiadau cymhleth o orymdeithio i mewn ac allan o gyflymder a cham, cyfnewid safleoedd a gollwng.
Dywedodd Richard, “Cyn y digwyddiad roedd yn bwysig i ni sicrhau bod ein gwisgoedd yn gywir ac yn edrych mor smart â phosibl.”
Roedd bore'r Coroni yn ddechrau cynnar i Andy a Richard, gan fod disgwyl iddyn nhw fod yn ffurfio am 6am. Gorymdeithiodd y ddau i Whitehall lle buont ar y plot nes i'r parti Brenhinol symud heibio.
Meddai Richard, “Roedd gweld y Milwyr yn agos, a'r bandiau gorymdeithio, a'r ceffylau yn wych.
Roedd yn llaith iawn ac yn dod yn eithaf oer yn sefyll ar y plot am dros 6 awr, ond roedd gwefr y digwyddiad a gweld y parti Brenhinol yn pasio o fewn metr i ni yn galonogol.”
Ychwanegodd, “Roedd yn wych gweld Cymru’n cael ei chynrychioli, ochr yn ochr â chydweithwyr gwirfoddol o Jersey, Guernsey, Ynys Manaw a Gogledd Iwerddon.
Rwy’n teimlo mor fendigedig a gostyngedig o fod wedi cynrychioli pob aelod o St John Ambulance Cymru yn y Coroni Brenhinol.
Gyda’n Brenin yn gyn Dywysog Cymru, roedd hyn yn ei wneud yn fwy arbennig i Andy a minnau – synergedd Cymreig go iawn.
Dim ond fel atgof unwaith mewn oes y gellir disgrifio’r cyfle i fynychu’r digwyddiad hwn, ac yn sicr uchafbwynt fy ngyrfa St John Ambulance Cymru.”
Ar ôl i'r blaid frenhinol fynd heibio, gorymdeithiodd Richard ac Andy i lawr Whitehall i San Steffan ac ar draws Pont San Steffan, i guriad band y Môr-filwyr Brenhinol wrth i'r dorf a oedd wedi ymgynnull gymeradwyo a bloeddio.
Dywedodd Andy, “Roedd cynrychioli nid yn unig St John Ambulance Cymru ond y teulu Sant Ioan ehangach yn y Kings Coronation yn anrhydedd ac yn fraint.
Rwyf mor ddiolchgar o fod wedi cael y cyfle a’r profiad unwaith mewn oes hwn, mae’n rhywbeth y byddaf yn ei gofio ac yn ei drysori am weddill fy oes.
Nid yw chwarae rhan mewn hanes a gweld Coroniad yn rhywbeth sy’n digwydd bob dydd, heb sôn am fod yn rhan o’r digwyddiad.
Mae ffurfio rhan o’r fintai gwasanaethau sifil, a bod yn un o ddau yn unig i gynrychioli Cymru ac St John Ambulance Cymru yn sicr yn un o uchafbwyntiau mwyaf fy ngyrfa St John hyd yma.”
Hefyd yn bresennol yn Llundain ar gyfer y Coroni oedd ein Prif Swyddog Gweithredol dros dro, Andy Jones, FCIPD,OStJ, a gynrychiolodd St John Ambulance Cymru fel un o 2,000 o bobl a wahoddwyd gan yr Iarll Marshall i ymuno â’r gynulleidfa yn Abaty Westminster.
Dywedodd, “Fy mraint i, ac yn wir fy anrhydedd uchaf, oedd cynrychioli St John Ambulance Cymru yng Nghoroni Eu Mawrhydi.
Cyrhaeddodd anferthedd yr achlysur yn raddol wrth i mi gerdded ar hyd y Tafwys i Lambeth Bridge, gan dystio drosof fy hun faint yr ymgyrch aml-asiantaeth, gan gynnwys ein cydweithwyr St John Ambulance , presenoldeb gweladwy uchel, gan wybod hefyd bod Richie ac Andy hefyd yn cyflawni rôl allweddol i gadw pawb yn ddiogel.”
Cymerodd Andy ei sedd yng Nghorff yr Eglwys ym mhen gorllewinol yr Abaty lle bu’n ffodus i allu gweld y llu o bwysigion, y teulu brenhinol o wledydd eraill ac wrth gwrs ein Teulu Brenhinol ein hunain, cyn dyfodiad y Brenin Charles a’r Frenhines Camilla.
Meddai, “Mae’n anodd rhoi’r profiad mewn geiriau, heblaw dweud ei fod yn hynod deimladwy, y côr, cantorion unigol, cerddoriaeth yn taro deuddeg, llawer o’r gynulleidfa ar adegau yn agos at ddagrau.
Roedd y neges llethol drwy gydol y Coroni yn ymwneud â dyletswydd a gwasanaeth.
Mae'n ddiwrnod na fyddaf byth yn ei anghofio. Rwy’n ystyried fy hun yn ffodus iawn, ac rwy’n hynod falch bod St John Ambulance Cymru wedi cael gwahoddiad i fod yn bresennol.
Wrth i mi gamu i’r Abaty roeddwn i’n gwybod yn iawn mai’r rheswm am hynny oedd oherwydd ein gwirfoddolwyr a’n staff gwych sy’n parhau i achub bywydau a gwella iechyd a lles cymunedau yng Nghymru.”