National campaign to train more lifesavers in Wales

Someone practicing CPR at a St John Ambulance Cymru first aid at work training course

Over two thirds of people in Wales lack the confidence to help someone in cardiac arrest.*

As Wales' leading first aid charity, our vision is for people to get the first aid they need anytime, anywhere and each year we strive to increase people’s confidence to react in an emergency by teaching vital first aid skills which could be used to save a life.

Save a Life September is back for another year and we’re giving people in Wales the opportunity to learn vital first aid skills as part of our two-hour first aid awareness training sessions.

Our sessions have already given thousands of people the first aid skills they need to save a life, and cover the following:

How to:

“We’ve seen first-hand the different people can make when they have the confidence to step in and help in an emergency.

From a child giving first aid to their sibling when they’re choking, to someone using a defibrillator in a cardiac arrest, there are countless everyday examples of first aid being used across Wales to save lives.

Our mission is to enhance the health and wellbeing of communities in Wales and our free, first aid awareness training helps us make learning these vital and lifesaving skills more accessible.

First aid can provide people a lifeline in an emergency and if more people knew how to use these skills, more lives could be saved.”

For the first time our Save a Life September training will also be available virtually, running alongside our community face-to-face sessions.

See how first aid has saved lives by reading our lifesaving stories or book your place on a free first aid awareness session here.


*Source - Research conducted on behalf of St John Ambulance Cymru by YouGov (2018)

Published August 31st 2021

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