Senedd Members join the nightshift to witness Swansea Help Point first-hand

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When Peredur Owen Griffiths, MS for the South Wales East Region, and Luke Fletcher, MS for South Wales West were offered the chance to join St John Ambulance Cymru volunteers on the night shift at the Swansea Help Point they jumped on the chance to see the city centre facility in action.

The Help Point is a specialist treatment facility manned by St John Ambulance Cymru volunteers, Police Officers and student volunteers. Located on The Strand in Swansea city centre, it provides care to vulnerable people who require treatment as a result of accidents, injuries, or violent attacks whilst enjoying nights out in the city.

It opens its doors every Wednesday and Saturday night between 10pm and 4am, as well as on bank holidays and nights where a large number of revellers are expected in the city centre.

The aim of the help point is to divert intoxicated people away from the care of police officers, and reduce the number of people needing to call the emergency services out or attend NHS Accident and Emergency departments.

Peredur and Luke were accompanied on the Wednesday night shift by Benjamin Savage, St John Ambulance Cymru’s Chief Operating Officer, who says:

Being a part of the Help Point is something very important to us, as an organisation.

 It’s seen the creation of strong partnerships with both the police and Trinity St Davids’ Swansea campus, which have allowed us to live out our vision to provide first aid for everyone, anytime, anywhere.

It was an absolute pleasure to welcome Peredur and Luke to the facility to see first hand the real contribution the Help Point makes to the safety of the city.”

Peredur Owen Griffiths MS said: “I was grateful for the opportunity to shadow St John’s Ambulance Cymru staff whilst they were on duty in Swansea city centre overnight”

"The experience not only showed how dedicated their volunteers are but also how vital this service is. The Help Point provides a safe place for people who are in vulnerable situations to be assessed and treated. Seeing this crucial work up close was informative and inspiring."

[Above: L, R Jon Williams – St John Ambulance Cymru County Operations Manager, Benjamin Savage – St John Ambulance Cymru Chief Operating Officer, Peredur Owen Griffiths MS, Luke Fletcher MS]

You can support the St John Ambulance Cymru’s lifesaving work by visiting our website.

For more information contact


Ymunir Aelodau'r Senedd â'r shifft nos i weld Man Cymorth Abertawe yn gweithio

Pan gafodd Peredur Owen Griffiths, AS Rhanbarth Dwyrain De Cymru, a Luke Fletcher, AS Gorllewin De Cymru gynnig y cyfle i ymuno â gwirfoddolwyr St John Ambulance Cymru ar y shifft nos ym Mhwynt Cymorth Abertawe, fe wnaethon nhw neidio ar y cyfle i weld y cyfleuster canol y ddinas ar waith.

Mae’r Man Cymorth yn gyfleuster triniaeth arbenigol sy’n cael ei staffio gan wirfoddolwyr St John Ambulance Cymru, Swyddogion Heddlu a gwirfoddolwyr sy’n fyfyrwyr. Wedi'i leoli ar The Strand yng nghanol dinas Abertawe, mae'n darparu gofal i bobl agored i niwed sydd angen triniaeth o ganlyniad i ddamweiniau, anafiadau neu ymosodiadau treisgar wrth fwynhau nosweithiau allan yn y ddinas. Mae'n agor ei ddrysau bob nos Fercher a nos Sadwrn rhwng 10pm a 4am, yn ogystal ag ar wyliau banc a nosweithiau lle mae disgwyl nifer fawr o barchwyr yng nghanol y ddinas.

Nod y pwynt cymorth yw dargyfeirio pobl feddw ​​oddi wrth ofal swyddogion heddlu, a lleihau nifer y bobl sydd angen galw’r gwasanaethau brys allan neu fynd i adrannau Damweiniau ac Achosion Brys y GIG.

Daeth Benjamin Savage, Prif Swyddog Gweithredu St John Ambulance Cymru gyda Peredur a Luke ar y sifft nos Fercher, meddai:

“Mae bod yn rhan o’r Pwynt Cymorth yn rhywbeth pwysig iawn i ni, fel sefydliad.

 Mae hyn wedi gweld creu partneriaethau cryf gyda’r heddlu a champws Abertawe y Drindod Dewi Sant, sydd wedi caniatáu i ni wireddu ein gweledigaeth i ddarparu cymorth cyntaf i bawb, unrhyw bryd, unrhyw le.

Roedd croesawu Peredur a Luke i’r cyfleuster, fel y gallent weld drostynt eu hunain y cyfraniad gwirioneddol mae’r Man Cymorth yn ei wneud i ddiogelwch y ddinas, yn bleser pur.”

Meddai Peredur Owen Griffiths AS: "Roeddwn yn ddiolchgar am y cyfle i gysgodi staff Ambiwlans St John’s tra'u bod ar ddyletswydd yng nghanol dinas Abertawe dros nos"

"Roedd y profiad nid yn unig yn dangos pa mor ymroddedig yw eu gwirfoddolwyr ond hefyd pa mor hanfodol yw'r gwasanaeth hwn. Mae’r Pwynt Cymorth yn darparu lle diogel i asesu a thrin pobl sydd mewn sefyllfaoedd bregus. Roedd gweld y gwaith hanfodol hwn yn ddiddorol iawn ac yn ysbrydoledig."

[Uchod: Chwith i dde: Jon Williams – Rheolwr Gweithrediadau Sirol St John Ambulance Cymru, Benjamin Savage – Prif Swyddog Gweithredu St John Ambulance Cymru, Peredur Owen Griffiths MS, Luke Fletcher MS] 

Gallwch gefnogi gwaith achub bywyd St John Ambulance Cymru drwy fynd i’n gwefan

Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch

Published August 5th 2022

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