St John Ambulance Cymru receives £10,000 funding to boost community first aid training

Leading company in portable and eco-friendly energy solutions EcoFlow has supercharged its support for St John Ambulance Cymru through a partnership which will help deliver an essential aspect of the charity’s work in Wales.

This generous support will allow the first aid charity for Wales to create more lifesavers across the country through free first aid demonstrations in schools and local community groups.

EcoFlow is a global company, specialising in portable power products, solar technology and smart home energy solutions. The sponsorship will cover the running costs of nearly 70 free first aid demonstrations over 12 months.

The funding comes after EcoFlow supported St John Ambulance Cymru in 2023 by donating a portable heater to keep volunteers warm whilst out and about on colder event days.

St John Ambulance Cymru run community demonstrations for school pupils and community groups throughout Wales all year round, equipping people with basic first aid skills that can mean the difference between life and death in an emergency.

The first of the sponsored demonstration sessions took place recently at Glanhowy School in Tredegar, where young people learnt all about the basics of first aid with St John Ambulance Cymru Community Trainer, Lesa. EcoFlow representative Lorna Wallace-Smith came along to the session, to see how their generous donation was making a real difference.

Lorna, EcoFlow's Head of UK Communications, said: “Here at EcoFlow we are thrilled to partner with St John Ambulance Cymru, to support their vital training activities across Wales, as part of our corporate social responsibility program ‘Power for All’, which is focussing on supporting rescue and disaster prevention projects this year.”

This collaboration enables us to contribute to the wellbeing and safety of communities by funding demonstration and awareness sessions in schools and community groups throughout North, South, and West Wales. We believe in empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills to respond to emergencies, and this partnership highlights our commitment to fostering resilient and informed communities. Together, we are making a significant impact on public health and safety."

Nichola Couceiro, Head of Fundraising, Communications and Engagement at St John Ambulance Cymru, also commented:

“We’d like to extend our deepest thanks to everyone at EcoFlow for their generous support at this time.”

“Our free community demonstrations give people the confidence and skills to help someone in a medical emergency, and potentially save a life. With EcoFlow’s support, we can continue this vital work sharing lifesaving skills with the people of Wales, working towards our vision first aid for everyone, anytime, anywhere.

As a charity, St John Ambulance Cymru relies on the generosity of the public and businesses like EcoFlow to continue its lifesaving work. This incredible donation will enable St John Ambulance Cymru to continue saving lives and making communities across Wales safer for all.

To find out more about EcoFlow’s corporate social responsibility initiative "Power For All", visit today.

If you’d like to support the first aid charity for Wales by making a corporate donation or holding a fundraising event, please reach out to the Fundraising Team at / 02920 449 626. To find out more about the charity’s essential work, please visit

Lorna and Lesa at the demonstration session last week.



St John Ambulance Cymru yn derbyn £10,000 i hybu hyfforddiant cymorth cyntaf cymunedol


Mae EcoFlow, cwmni blaenllaw ym maes datrysiadau ynni cludadwy ac ecogyfeillgar, wedi cynyddu ei gefnogaeth i St John Ambulance Cymru drwy bartneriaeth a fydd yn helpu i gyflwyno agwedd hanfodol o waith yr elusen yng Nghymru.

Bydd y gefnogaeth hael hon yn caniatáu i elusen cymorth cyntaf Cymru greu mwy o achubwyr bywydau ledled y wlad trwy arddangosiadau cymorth cyntaf am ddim mewn ysgolion a grwpiau cymunedol lleol.

Mae EcoFlow yn gwmni byd-eang, sy'n arbenigo mewn cynhyrchion pŵer cludadwy, technoleg solar a datrysiadau ynni cartref craff. Bydd y nawdd yn talu costau rhedeg bron i 70 o arddangosiadau cymorth cyntaf am ddim dros 12 mis.

Daw’r cyllid ar ôl i EcoFlow gefnogi St John Ambulance Cymru yn 2023 drwy gyfrannu gwresogydd cludadwy i gadw gwirfoddolwyr yn gynnes tra allan ar ddiwrnodau oerach.

Mae St John Ambulance Cymru yn cynnal arddangosiadau cymunedol ar gyfer disgyblion ysgol a grwpiau cymunedol ledled Cymru trwy gydol y flwyddyn, gan arfogi pobl â sgiliau cymorth cyntaf sylfaenol a all olygu'r gwahaniaeth rhwng bywyd a marwolaeth mewn argyfwng.

Cynhaliwyd y cyntaf o’r sesiynau arddangos noddedig yn ddiweddar yn Ysgol Glanhowy yn Nhredegar, lle dysgodd pobl ifanc bopeth am hanfodion cymorth cyntaf gyda Hyfforddwr Cymunedol St John Ambulance Cymru, Lesa. Daeth cynrychiolydd EcoFlow, Lorna Wallace-Smith draw i’r sesiwn, i weld sut roedd eu rhodd hael yn gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol.


Dywedodd Lorna, Pennaeth Cyfathrebu EcoFlow yn y DU: “Yma yn EcoFlow rydym wrth ein bodd i weithio mewn partneriaeth ag St John Ambulance Cymru, i gefnogi eu gweithgareddau hyfforddi hanfodol ledled Cymru, fel rhan o’n rhaglen cyfrifoldeb cymdeithasol corfforaethol ‘Power for All’, sydd eleni yn canolbwyntio ar gefnogi prosiectau achub ac atal trychineb.


“Mae’r cydweithio hwn yn ein galluogi i gyfrannu at les a diogelwch cymunedau drwy ariannu sesiynau arddangos ac ymwybyddiaeth mewn ysgolion a grwpiau cymunedol ledled Gogledd, De a Gorllewin Cymru. Rydym yn credu mewn grymuso unigolion gyda’r wybodaeth a’r sgiliau i ymateb i argyfyngau, ac mae’r bartneriaeth hon yn amlygu ein hymrwymiad i feithrin cymunedau gwydn a gwybodus. Gyda’n gilydd, rydym yn cael effaith sylweddol ar iechyd a diogelwch y cyhoedd.”


Dywedodd Nichola Couceiro, Pennaeth Codi Arian, Cyfathrebu ac Ymgysylltu St John Ambulance Cymru: “Hoffem ddiolch o galon i bawb yn EcoFlow am eu cefnogaeth hael ar yr adeg hon.


“Mae ein harddangosiadau cymunedol rhad ac am ddim yn rhoi’r hyder a’r sgiliau i bobl helpu rhywun mewn argyfwng meddygol, ac o bosibl achub bywyd. Gyda chefnogaeth EcoFlow, gallwn barhau â’r gwaith hanfodol hwn gan rannu sgiliau achub bywyd gyda phobl Cymru, gan weithio tuag at ein gweledigaeth: cymorth cyntaf i bawb, unrhyw bryd, unrhyw le.”


Fel elusen, mae St John Ambulance Cymru yn dibynnu ar haelioni’r cyhoedd a busnesau fel EcoFlow i barhau â’i waith achub bywyd. Bydd y rhodd anhygoel hon yn galluogi St John Ambulance Cymru i barhau i achub bywydau a gwneud cymunedau ledled Cymru yn fwy diogel i bawb.

I ddarganfod mwy am fenter cyfrifoldeb cymdeithasol corfforaethol EcoFlow "Power For All", ewch i

Os hoffech gefnogi elusen cymorth cyntaf Cymru drwy wneud cyfraniad corfforaethol neu gynnal digwyddiad codi arian, cysylltwch â’r Tîm Codi Arian drwy e-bostio neu ffonio 02920 449 626.

I gael gwybod mwy am waith hanfodol yr elusen, ewch i

Published August 5th 2024

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