As the nation bid farewell to HM Queen Elizabeth II, Jane Van Tiel, Mid Glamorgan County Support Manager and the County Children’s and Young Peoples Manager was preparing for the “honour and privilege” of representing St John Ambulance Cymru as part of the Civilian Services contingent marching behind the gun carriage bearing Her Majesty’s coffin.
Jane who is a nurse at Ty Gwynno Care Home in Pontypridd has been volunteering with St John Ambulance Cymru for over 30 years, and has met King Charles III, the Queen Consort and the Princess Royal on a number of occasions.
When she read a request for volunteers to represent St John Ambulance Cymru at the funeral in London she knew that it was something she wanted to do.
Jane says,
“I just saw an e-mail asking if anyone was free, and I responded not really expecting anything to come of it. I knew it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. We’re never going to see anything like that again.”
As the Queen's coffin was taken from Westminster Hall to Westminster Abbey, for her funeral service Jane marched in full uniform alongside three representatives of St John Ambulance England in a group comprising 88 representatives from the police, the fire service, the coastguard, the Women’s Voluntary Service and the Merchant Navy.
Jane says,
“We did a full night time dress rehearsal through the streets of London, and we were given training to make sure we got the marching right. There were lots of early starts, and we spent a lot of time making sure we were marching in time. Everything was organised with military precision.”
“There was a real sense of camaraderie, we all bonded really well. The day of the funeral was odd. It was eerily quiet. There was a real sense of excitement that was tinged with sadness because we were all really aware of what a big event this was.”
“It is still a bit surreal. It hasn’t fully sunk in that I was there. I’m so proud that I was able to be there, and represent St John Ambulance Cymru.”
Queen Elizabeth II was Sovereign Head of the Order of St John, that role now passes to King Charles III. You can find out more about the order here
Cyfle ‘unwaith mewn oes’ gwirfoddolwyr i gynrychioli
St John Ambulance Cymru yn angladd EM y Frenhines.
Wrth i’r genedl ffarwelio ag EM y Frenhines Elizabeth II, roedd Jane Van Tiel, Rheolwr Cymorth Sirol Morgannwg Ganol a Rheolwr Plant a Phobl Ifanc y Sir yn paratoi ar gyfer yr “anrhydedd a’r fraint” o gynrychioli St John Ambulance Cymru fel rhan o’r fintai Gwasanaethau Sifil. gorymdeithio y tu ôl i'r cerbyd gwn sy'n cario arch Ei Mawrhydi.
Mae Jane sy’n nyrs yng Nghartref Gofal Tŷ Gwynno ym Mhontypridd wedi bod yn gwirfoddoli gydag St John Ambulance Cymru ers dros 30 mlynedd, ac mae wedi cyfarfod â’r Brenin Siarl III, y Frenhines Consort a’r Dywysoges Frenhinol ar sawl achlysur.
Pan ddarllenodd gais am wirfoddolwyr i gynrychioli Ambiwlans Sant Ioan Cymru yn yr angladd yn Llundain roedd yn gwybod ei fod yn rhywbeth yr oedd am ei wneud.
Meddai Jane,
“Gwelais e-bost yn gofyn a oedd unrhyw un yn rhydd, ac ymatebais heb ddisgwyl mewn gwirionedd i unrhyw beth ddod ohono. Roeddwn i'n gwybod ei fod yn gyfle unwaith mewn oes. Dydyn ni byth yn mynd i weld y fath beth eto.”
Wrth i arch y Frenhines gael ei chludo o Neuadd San Steffan i Abaty San Steffan, ar gyfer ei gwasanaeth angladd gorymdeithiodd Jane mewn iwnifform lawn ochr yn ochr â thri chynrychiolydd o St John Ambulance Lloegr mewn grŵp yn cynnwys 88 o gynrychiolwyr o'r heddlu, y gwasanaeth tân, gwylwyr y glannau, y Women's Voluntary Service a'r Llynges Fasnachol.
Meddai Jane,
“Fe wnaethon ni ymarfer gan cerdded trwy'r strydoedd Llundain yn y tywyll a chawsom hyfforddiant i wneud yn siŵr ein bod yn cael y gorymdeithio’n iawn. Roedd llawer o ddechreuadau cynnar, a threuliasom lawer o amser yn sicrhau ein bod yn gorymdeithio mewn amser. Roedd popeth wedi’i drefnu gyda manylder milwrol.”
“Roedd yna ymdeimlad gwirioneddol o gyfeillgarwch, roedden ni i gyd yn bondio'n dda iawn. Roedd diwrnod yr angladd yn od. Roedd yn iasol dawel. Roedd yna deimlad gwirioneddol o gyffro a oedd yn cyd-fynd â thristwch oherwydd roeddem i gyd yn ymwybodol iawn o ba mor fawr oedd hwn.”
“Mae’n dal braidd yn swreal. Nid yw wedi suddo'n llwyr gan fy mod i wedi bod yno. Rydw i mor falch fy mod wedi gallu bod yno, a chynrychioli St John Ambulance Cymru.”
Y Frenhines Elizabeth II oedd Pennaeth Sofran Urdd Sant Ioan, ac mae'r rôl honno wedi cael ei throsglwyddo i'r Brenin Siarl III. Gallwch ddarganfod mwy am y urdd yma