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Swansea Help Point

The Swansea Help Point is a specialist treatment facility within Swansea city centre, which provides care to vulnerable people who require treatment as a result of accidents, injuries, or violent attacks - often as a consequence of excessive alcohol consumption. 

The aim of the help point is to divert intoxicated people away from the care of police officers, and reduce the number of people needing to call the emergency services out or attend NHS Accident and Emergency departments.

It is open every Saturday and Wednesday and other key dates identified throughout the year, staffed by police and our St John Ambulance Cymru volunteers, with assistance from Street Pastors and Police Student Volunteers from the University of Wales Trinity St David's Swansea.

Being a part of the help point is something very important to us. It’s seen the creation of strong partnerships across the public, private and volunteer sectors which deliver the right care, at the right place, at the right time.


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