Pro Fide – For the Faith

The motto of the Order of St John is – Pro Fide Pro Utilitate Hominum – which translated means, ‘For the Faith and in the Service of Humanity’. ‘Pro Fide’ serves to remind us that the Order is rooted in Christian tradition and maintains a Christian ethos. Our humanitarian charitable work caring for the sick and injured through St John Ambulance Cymru is the fruit of our adherence to the command of Jesus Christ to serve and love our neighbour. 

The early founding Knights Hospitaller considered the sick to represent Jesus Christ and sought to treat them with the same dignity and respect as they would give to Jesus, after the example of Blessed Gerard who founded the Hospital of St John in Jerusalem in 1099 and subsequently the Knights Hospitaller (the Order of St John of Jerusalem) to serve ‘the holy sick, our blessed Lords’.  

While St John Ambulance Cymru and the Priory for Wales has a historic and distinct Christian character and ethos, we welcome into our membership people of all faiths and none, who feel able to honour and support our aims, objectives and values. St John Ambulance Cymru serves all who are sick and in need, regardless of individual difference.

St John Ambulance Cymru Chaplaincy

St John Ambulance Cymru is served by a network of chaplains across Wales. The Priory Dean oversees the chaplaincy provision and chairs the Pro Fide committee, which is a subcommittee of the Trustee Chapter Board.

Each of the three regions of Wales are served by a Senior Chaplain who coordinates a team of chaplains across the region.  The chaplains provide pastoral and spiritual care to all St John staff and volunteers, they officiate at services throughout the year and they lead sessions for members on the meaning of ‘Pro Fide’, the history of the Order, and the Order’s values.

Chaplains can be members of all mainstream Christian traditions and of other faith traditions.    

If you wish to contact a chaplain in your area or if you are interested in becoming a chaplain, please contact the Prior Dean, the Rev’d Canon David Morris CStJ for more information:

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