St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital

The St John of Jerusalem eye hopsital group is the only charitable provider of expert eye care in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. They treat patients regardless of their ethnicity, religion or ability to pay.  

The group has three hospitals, a clinic and two mobile outreach teams who give treatment and care in the community. Their two outreach teams alone treat over 17,000 people each year! 

The rate of blindness and other eye conditions in the Palestinian territories (oPt) have been found to be up to ten times higher than in the West. This is not just because of the region’s access issues, but also poverty rates, and high levels of genetic eye diseases. This also means a large percentage of the eye hospital patients are children.

Swift treatment and regular check ups for eye conditions is vital. 

With no universal health care system in the oPt, for many Palestinians their only option is to seek charitable health care or go without, and that’s where the St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group steps in.

Find out more about their work 

We have an Eye Hospital Fundraising Committee whose primary objective is to fundraise for the St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group. The Committee meets at least six times per year, and puts on events and fundraising initiatives to raise funds, which we pass on. 

Looking for other ways to get involved?

Whatever you enjoy doing and however much time you can commit, there’s a volunteer role for you.

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