What We Do

Healthcare services

Supported by over 4,000 members we deliver frontline urgent care, first aid and patient transport services in the heart of welsh communities and give vital support to our emergency services as a key partner. From providing first aid cover at events, many of which could not take place without that support to our Falls Assistant programme, which sees those in need helped up and treated, freeing up the Ambulance Service and allowing those in urgent need to be reached quicker.


In an emergency an ambulance should arrive within 8 minutes but it can be what happens within this short time that can make the difference between life and death.  We provide first aid training in communities across Wales to give people the confidence and skills they need to respond when an emergency or injury occurs. By training more children and adults in the community to administer emergency first aid, we hope to be that difference. Alongside first aid, including mental health first aid, we run a full commercial offering of health and safety courses. The income generated is then used to fund charitable work, like free training for schools, our Save a Life September community training campaign and much more.

Children and young people

Children and young people are our future and we are proud to provide opportunities and youth programmes for children and young people; with over half of our members under the age of 18. We create an environment where people can grow and learn from an early age; our Badgers start at just 5 years old. Our programmes offer experiential learning opportunities, teach vital first aid skills, develop young people’s aspirations and enhance their education; providing the perfect spring board for our healthcare professionals of the future.

Looking for other ways to get involved?

Whatever you enjoy doing and however much time you can commit, there’s a volunteer role for you.

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